Pattonville Board of Education
Board of Education Members
Mary Kay Campbell, President
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(314) 770-9304
2671 Chatham Drive, Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Ms. Mary Kay Campbell is currently serving her 10th year on the board. She is a retired Special School District teacher who taught in Pattonville for 32 years. Ms. Campbell holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in special education from Fontbonne. She is currently employed by the St. Louis Cardinals as a recycling coordinator and is the parent of two Pattonville graduates. Ms. Campbell's first term on the board began in 2015 and her current term expires in April 2025.
Jeanne Schottmueller, Vice President
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(314) 610-6804
St. Ann, MO 63074
Ms. Schottmueller is currently serving her 16th year on the board. She is a Pattonville graduate and the mother of two Pattonville graduates. Ms. Schottmueller retired from the Special School District as a paraprofessional after 32 years. Ms. Schottmueller's first term on the board began in 2009 and her current term expires in April 2027.
Dr. Dan Wentz, Secretary
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(314) 412-2563
Bridgeton, MO 63044
Dr. Wentz is in his third year on the board. He is a veterinarian and the owner and president of the Ferguson Animal Hospital. He earned a bachelor’s degree in agriculture and a doctorate of veterinary medicine from the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Wentz and his wife, Julie, are 29-year district resident. They are the parents of four children, including three Pattonville High School graduates who are from the Classes of 2006, 2020 and 2022. Dr. Wentz's first term on the board began in 2022 and his current term expires in April 2025.
Lisa Kickbusch, Treasurer
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(314) 213-8001
St. Louis County, 63146
Ms. Kickbusch is serving on her third year on the board. She is a retired Pattonville School District teacher and currently works as an office administrator at Forward Fitness. Ms. Kickbusch holds a bachelor's degree in education from Mizzou and a master's of arts in teaching from Webster University. Ms. Kickbusch's first term on the board began in 2022 and her current term expires in April 2026.
Dr. Brian J. Gray, Director
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(314) 213-8001
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Dr. Gray is serving his ninth year on the board. He attended the University of Colorado and holds a bachelor's degree/doctor of chiropractic from Logan University. Dr. Gray is a self-employed chiropractic physician and works as a medical fraud investigator. He and his wife, Sheila, are the parents of two students, one sophomore at Pattonville High School and an eighth grader at Holman Middle School. Dr. Gray's first term on the board began in 2016 and his current term expires in April 2026.
Jan Schweiss, Director
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(314) 614-9012
Maryland Heights, MO 63043
Mrs. Schweiss is serving in her first year on the board. She retired from Pattonville School District after working as a parent educator in early childhood for 24 years. Mrs. Schweiss earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from the University of Missouri - Columbia and certification as a parent educator in 1991. Mrs. Schweiss and her husband, Ken, are the parents of two Pattonville graduates, one from 2002 and one in 2003. Mrs. Schweiss' first term on the board began in 2024 and that term expires in April 2027.
Rená Simmons, Director
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(314) 799-2594
St. Ann, MO 63074
Ms. Simmons is serving in her first year on the board. She is a production specialist with RubinBrown LLP. Ms. Simmons attended Affton High School. She earned a bachelor’s degree from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and a master’s degree from Lindenwood University, both in criminal justice. She is the mother of a 2023 Pattonville graduate. Ms. Simmons' first term on the board began in 2024 and that term expires in April 2027. She completing a two-year term caused by a previous board member who resigned from the board during the first year of their term.
Rylie Faasen, Student Representative
Rylie Faasen, Class of 2024, was sworn in as a student representative on the Pattonville Board of Education on April 9, 2024. She will continue to serve in an advisory position until the April 2025 board meeting.
Allison Collins, Administrative Assistant to the Superintendent and Community Relations and Secretary to the Board of Education
Pattonville Learning Center
11097 St. Charles Rock Road
St. Ann, Missouri 63074
(314) 213-8001
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Board of Education Meetings 2024-2025 Regular meetings of the Pattonville Board of Education are generally held on the second Tuesday of each month* in the board room of the Pattonville School District Learning Center (11097 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann, MO 63074) beginning at 7 p.m. In addition, the board may hold special meetings and/or work sessions as needed. Meetings taking place in a location other than the Pattonville Learning Center are noted below and in the meeting agenda on BoardDocs. In addition, the board may hold special meetings and/or work sessions as needed.
July *
* In July, the regularly scheduled board meeting will take place on the fourth Tuesday.
There will be a special board meeting on:
Tax Rate Hearing
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024
6:30 p.m.
The Role of the School Board
Pattonville’s Board of Education is a seven-director representative body elected by the registered voters of the Pattonville School District. They each serve a term of three years to provide for and oversee the operation of Pattonville’s schools. School board members are non-paid elected officials. Pattonville’s board members do this out of a sense of caring and community and a sincere desire to fulfill Pattonville’s vision of achievement for all children.
Training Requirements
New board members are required by state law to receive 18 hours of training within their first year of service. Training covers topics related to student achievement, school law, school finance, board policy, board relations, board operations, goal setting and advocacy.
Time Commitment
Being a board member requires a great deal of time commitment. On average, Pattonville board members attend:
- More than 40 hours of board meetings per year,
- 56 hours in training and workshops,
- 12 hours in district planning, and
- 26 hours at special meetings and district-wide events. School board members also attend numerous school events, visit the schools and serve on district committees.
Major Responsibilities
Board members are elected to oversee the operations of the public school district, as mandated by state law. The primary roles of a school board are to set goals for the district, formulate and adopt policy, select a superintendent to implement policy, evaluate the results, and be a good steward of the community’s resources. The superintendent is responsible for the daily operations of the district. In Pattonville, board members make decisions centered on the district’s mission,“That ALL Will Learn.”
The Board’s general responsibilities include:
- Formulating and interpreting policy
- Delegating administrative duties
- Making decisions on educational and budget matters
- Making a continuous appraisal of the educational and administrative process
- Administering district funds for education judiciously
The Board carries out its functions openly while seeking the involvement and contributions of the public, students and staff in its decision-making process.
Qualifications for Election to the Board of Education
Elections to the Board of Education are held the first Tuesday in the month of April each year. A candidate must be
- 24 years of age by the date of the election,
- A United States citizen, and
- A resident taxpayer of the district. A written declaration of candidacy must be filed with the secretary to the Board of Education during the legal filing period each December through January at the Pattonville Learning Center,11097 St. Charles Rock Road, St. Ann. For more information, call the superintendent’s office at (314) 213-8001.
To learn more about filing for the April 2, 2024 election, see the article on the district website.
Orientation for New Board Members
Once elected, Pattonville’s new school board members attend an orientation session with the board president and superintendent. This is an informal session in which many topics are covered. Some of the topics included are: Responsibilities, ethics, board policy, board and superintendent relationships, board communications and community involvement, time commitments, and the structure and responsibilities of the district’s administrative teams.