Return to Phase 1 Information

Dear PHS families:

In-person students will return to Phase 1 learning (5 days a week) at PHS on Monday, March 29.  Students who are enrolled in virtual learning (Villemade Virtual Academy) will attend classes virtually (5 days a week).

During the week of March 29 and the week of April 5 all students (in-person and virtual) will follow our current A day schedule, Monday thru Friday:

Period Time

1. 7:23 A.M. - 8:12 A.M.

2. ` 8:18 A.M. - 9:07 A.M.

3. 9:13 A.M. - 10:05 A.M.

4. 10:11 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.

5. 11:06 A.M. - 12:28 P.M. 

6. 12:34 P.M. - 1:23 P.M.

7. 1:29 P.M. - 2:18 P.M.

Beginning Monday April 12, we will transition back to our pre-pandemic AABCA schedule with an early release day each Thursday (1:19 P.M. dismissal).  Details of this schedule will be posted to the PHS website in the near future.

Students will continue to have their temperature checked upon arrival and will be allowed in the building beginning at 6:55 a.m. each morning.  Masks will continue to be worn at all times except when eating/drinking.  Social distancing in the classroom will be carried out to the greatest extent possible and in accordance with CDC guidelines.

During lunch students will be able to sit in the cafeteria 4 persons to a table with plexi-glass dividers.  One change is that our seniors will have an option to eat lunch in an alternative large area located near the cafeteria.  Our seniors will be given an extra 5 minutes for lunch in order to receive enough time to get their meal from the cafeteria and then go to the alternative lunch location.  

We look forward to a productive final 2 months of the 2020-2021 school year.  If you have any questions, please reach out to me.



Joe Dobrinic