PHS Open House is Tonight, September 2nd

Welcome Video: Click here!

Just a reminder that Open House is  tonight at the high school. We are looking forward to meeting you and have just a few pieces of information to share with you to make tomorrow night a productive and enjoyable evening for you:

  • Open house will start promptly at 6:30 PM in your child's homeroom; we have modified the schedule to expedite the evening for families. See the schedule below.
  • Have your child print, write or pull up their schedule electronically for you to follow.
  • PHS counselors will be available to print schedules if necessary and answer any questions you may have about schedules and classes.
  • Please limit the number of adults to one adult per student in order to accommodate space in classrooms if at all possible.
  • Childcare will not be available during Open House; it strongly suggested that only high school students attend Open House with parents.
  • Masks are required indoors by all Pattonville students, staff and visitors. If you do not have a mask, one will be provided to you.
  • The PHS PTO will be in the cafeteria with a membership table.
  • Administrators will post a welcome video on the PHS website for you to view at your convenience.
  • Refreshments will be available in the cafeteria for all that attend!

Thank you so much for your support of your student’s education at Pattonville High School! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow night!