Read about actions taken at the June 14 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on June 14:
- Reviewed and approved the budget for the 2022-2023 school year; read the report or view the presentation;
- Approved paying $1,094,738.08 for regular bills;
- Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for the month of May 2022;
- Approved paying $470,580.59 for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $4,705.80);
- Approved early childhood tuition rates for the 2021-2022 school year;
- Approved a resolution reversing the operating levy voluntary rollbacks to meet operating revenue and tax levy goals established by voters with the passage of Proposition P in 2013; under state law, the district must pass a motion each even-numbered year with the word "resolution" in it to reset the tax rate to what it was approved to be under Proposition P; the board can then reset the voluntary rollback as promised to taxpayers; there is no negative impact to Pattonville taxpayers for next year's rates;
- Declared a list of textbooks as surplus and authorized they be sold through a public bid process;
- Approved the recommended number of paraprofessionals for the 2022-2023 school year;
- Approved curriculum course change recommendations for the 2022-2023 school year;
- Approved a contract between Pattonville and the Special School District (SSD) for general education services for homebound students for the 2022-2023 school year;
- Lodged for action revisions to Pattonville's 2022-2023 student behavior guides; a vote is expected at the July 26 board meeting;
- Approved paying $20,589.52 to EducationPlus for the balance of its 2021-2022 annual membership dues;
- Waived the lodging of and approved the adoption of policy EBBE (Lactation Support);
- Lodged for action updates to IIAC-R (Library Materials Selection/Adoption Procedures); a vote is expected during the July 26 board meeting;
- Approved paying $6,633 to Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt for legal services;
- Approved, as lodged for action on May 10, revisions to policies JGA (Corporal Punishment) and JGGA (Seclusion and Restraint);
- Approved the renewal of PowerSchool Ecollect Forms Subscription from PowerSchool Group LLC for $13,226.06;
- Approved the renewal with PowerSchool for online enrollment services for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, for $22,889.61;
- Approved the renewal of the fuel agreement for the 2022-2023 school year with Energy Petroleum Company for an estimated total amount of $400,000;
- Approved the emergency purchase of a new motor and repair for a school bus to Rush Truck Centers of Missouri for $15,295;
- Approved the renewal of the National Geographic Online textbooks and assessments licenses with Cengage Learning for $16,690.25;
- Approved the renewal of the Naviance license and subscription fees from PowerSchool for $24,505.50;
- Approved the renewal of Dreambox Learning Licenses with Dreambox Learning for the period of June 30, 2022, through June 29, 2023, for $50,407.45;
- Approved the subscription renewal from Renaissance Learning, Inc., for Renaissance products and services for $95,538.36;
- Approved the purchase of year two of a three-year subscription to Canvas LMS from Instructure for $34,425;
- Approved the contract with Andrew Easton for personalized learning professional development for $54,000;
- Awarded the bid for Aruba licenses to Provision Data Solutions in the total amount of $31,950;
- Awarded the bid for Aruba support services to Provision Data Solutions for $15,073;
- Approved the purchase of content filtering and student monitoring services for three years from Securly, Inc., for $35,579 the first year;
- Approved the renewal of Mosyle MDM licenses from Mosyle Corporation for $33,410.42;
- Approved the purchase of various Apple devices and services from Apple Inc., for a total of $345,964.75.
New Hires
- Minako Baczynski, paraprofessional, Drummond
- Christopher Braswell, benefits coordinator, Learning Center
- Naveen El-Nokrashy, assistant after-school instructor, Remington
- Julia Gallop, behavior analyst, early childhood
- Molly Gegg, elementary teacher, Willow Brook
- Jordyn Graham, speech/language pathologist, early childhood
- Natalie Graneto, gifted teacher, Heights
- Max Grasser, social studies teacher, high school
- Christa Griffith, elementary teacher, Bridgeway
- Megan Harrison, guidance counselor, high school
- Kathryn Hernandez, vocal music teacher, Parkwood
- Veeda Holmes, paraprofessional, Parkwood
- Ashley Hopkins, early childhood special education teacher, early childhood
- Marcie Huelsing, early childhood special education teacher, early childhood
- Teale Jones, occupational therapist, early childhood
- Lindsay Keleher, nurse, Remington
- Morgan Kiffmeyer, elementary teacher, Drummond
- Cody Kimmerle, science teacher, high school
- Kendall Klabenes, nurse, Bridgeway
- Taylor Koenig, administrative intern, Willow Brook
- Viola Lee, accounts payable secretary, Learning Center
- Kelsey Lefaivre, nurse, high school
- Dominic Licameli, PE teacher, Holman
- Yanellie LoParco, secretary, high school
- Stacy Martin, secretary, Learning Center
- Chantel Nickens, math teacher, high school
- Kimberly Orf, secretary, high school
- Kellie Randazzo, elementary teacher, Drummond
- Donna Reger, bus driver, transportation
- Emad Salman, maintenance journeyman electrician, maintenance
- Elizabeth Schweiger, secretary, Learning Center
- Elizabeth Strain, administrative intern, Parkwood
- Amanda Strobbe, math teacher, Holman
- Candice Wayne, director of human resources, Learning Center
- Grace Wrinkle, community relations specialist, Learning Center