Buchek to compete in Ironman race

Pattonville Early Childhood teacher Christie Buchek will be competing in the Ironman Maryland race on Saturday. During the event, athletes will swim for 2.4 miles, ride a bicycle for 112 miles, and run a full marathon for 26.2 miles. The race goes in that order and the contestants do not take a break. 

“This is a challenge I’ve always wanted to do and I’m ready to take it on,” she said. “I have had amazing support from my family and from my school family asking how the training is going and how I’m doing and I just hope it’s helping others in return get excited about personal fitness and doing what you can do in life.” 

Staff on Wednesday all wore red to show support for the Whales classroom teacher. 

Buchek, who has been on a six month training journey, said it has “forever changed me in so many positive ways.” 

She’s competed in smaller races before, but this will be her first Ironman race. 

“I think anybody who thinks they can’t do something should just start with things they can do because you will surprise yourself and you’ll find yourself in the journey and it’s been amazing.” 

Buchek will start the race around 6:30 a.m. and hopes to finish by 10 p.m. The IRONMAN Tracker app will allow fans to follow her progress throughout all of the events. 

“From the moment I cross the starting line until the moment I finish, it will provide real-time updates and people can receive notifications when I reach certain checkpoints,” she said. “I tracked two athletes last week during a race in Wisconsin and it was neat that as I was going about my day, I would get a notification that someone made it past the swim or they’re this far into the bike ride and here’s their pace and position on the run.”