Read about actions taken at the Aug. 8 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.
Board Actions
The board of education on Aug. 8:
- Heard an update on Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) work at Bridgeway, Drummond and Rose Acres elementary schools; view the presentation;
- Approved paying $2,772,958.53 for regular bills;
- Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for June 2023;
- Approved paying $290,980, for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $2,909.80);
- Approved a contract between Pattonville and the Special School District (SSD) for general education services for homebound students for the 2023-2024 school year; and
- Approve Berkley as the district's medical stop loss carrier at an estimated annual premium of $933,000 for each of the next three years.
New Hires
- Shanta Davis, bus driver, transportation
- James Fannon, custodian, Rose Acres
- Zackary Harnetz, registrar/guidance secretary, Pattonville Heights
- Katherine Lewis-Spann, bus driver, transportation
- Margaret Mayberry, language arts interventionist teacher, Pattonville Heights
- Samantha Ryan, secretary, students services department at the Learning Center
- Ella Wagner, nurse, Rose Acres
- Roy Libhart, facilities supervisor in the maintenance department, after serving Pattonville for 35 years