Notes from the April 9 board meeting

Read about actions taken at the April 9 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.

Board Actions

The board of education on April 9:

  • Heard a Prop S update on current construction work; view the presentation;
  • Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s safety/facilities program evaluation; read the safety reportview the safety presentationread the facilities report or view the facilities presentation;
  • Approved paying $3,454,322.69 for regular bills;
  • Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for March 2024;
  • Approved paying $191,145.25, for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $1,911.45);
  • Approved the purchase of DreamBox Math for June 30, 2024, to June 29, 2025, from Discovery Education for $55,515;
  • Approved the statement of work and agreement with Cooperative Educational Service Agency #1 for custom professional learning for the 2024-2025 school year for $188,160;
  • Approved the purchase of the eCollect forms three-year subscription from PowerSchool for $15,895.54 per year or $47,686.62 for the three-year agreement;
  • Awarded the purchase and installation of furniture at Rose Acres Elementary School for $36,817;
  • Awarded the bid for the electronic onboarding and electronic storage system to Frontline Education for $47,358.82 for a three-year contract;
  • Awarded the quote from Qualtris and Isobar Support for dashboarding and data displays for $46,000.01;
  • Awarded the bid for the purchasing and installation of fencing at Pattonville High School to Collins and Hermann, Inc. for $230,392.62;
  • Approved the purchase and installation of two playgrounds at Rose Acres Elementary School from The Playground Consultants for $399,229.61; and
  • Approved the purchase and installation of a playground at Bridgeway Elementary School from Hutchinson Recreation and Design for $150,000.

New Hires

  • Lisa Casaine, FACS teacher, Holman
  • Aaron DeMarco, elementary math/science specialist, Bridgeway
  • Hope Dye, reading teacher, Drummond
  • Courtney Faasen, English teacher, high school
  • Lorrie Gordon, English language learner teacher, Drummond
  • Jessica Ihler, permanent substitute, Bridgeway
  • William Kiehne, science teacher, Pattonville Heights
  • Anna Koester, English/social studies teacher, Holman
  • Justin Levy, speech and debate teacher, high school
  • LeeAnn Reyes, cook, Pattonville Heights
  • Ann Sharp, science teacher, Pattonville Heights
  • Amber Sidwell, counselor, Rose Acres
  • Jacquelyn Trautman, counselor, Pattonville Heights
  • Amanda Weber, English teacher, Holman
  • Charles Williams, night custodian, Holman
  • Caitlyn Zona, English teacher, Pattonville Heights


  • Vanessa Divine, library technology aide at Bridgeway, after serving Pattonville for 12 years
  • Bertha Doyle-Sneed, secretary at Holman, after serving Pattonville for 30 years
  • Carla Gardner, social worker at Pattonville Heights, after serving Pattonville for 27 years
  • Tracy Kuehn, clerk at Holman, after serving Pattonville for 14 years
  • Loresa Shaw, custodian at Bridgeway, after serving Pattonville for five years