Notes from the May 14 board meeting

Read about actions taken at the May 14 school board meeting. Find out more by visiting Pattonville's BoardDocs website.

Board Actions

The board of education on May 14:

  • Heard a Prop S update on current construction work; view the presentation;
  • Heard information on the district’s progress on the creation of the Portrait of a Graduate program; view the presentation;
  • Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s Title I program evaluation; read the report or view the presentation;
  • Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s English learner (EL) program evaluation; read the report or view the presentation;
  • Reviewed and accepted an evaluation of the district’s transportation program evaluation; read the report or view the presentation;
  • Approved paying $4,820,367.06 for regular bills;
  • Approved, subject to audit, the financial statements for April 2024;
  • Approved paying $229,646.48, for purchases made on Pattonville’s purchasing cards, which earned the district a rebate of 1% (or $2,296.46);
  • Lodged for action the 2023-2024 budget revisions; a vote is expected at the June 11 meeting;
  • Lodged for action the May 2024 transportation route miles for the 2023-2024 school year; a vote is expected at the June 11 meeting;
  • Approved paying $11,176 to Missouri School Boards' Association (MSBA) for 2024-2025 membership dues;
  • Approved paying $12,348.98 to Tueth, Keeney, Cooper, Mohan & Jackstadt for legal services;
  • Lodged for action the revisions to policies EBBA (Illness and Injury Response and Prevention), GBEBA (Drug-Free Workplace), GCBA-R (Advancement of Professional Staff Salary Schedule), GDCBB-R (Employee Uniform Regulation), GDL-R (Educational Assistance Plan - Support Staff), JFCH (Student Alcohol and Drug Use) and JHCD (Administration of Medications to Students); a vote is expected at the June 11 meeting;
  • Approved the contract with Mosyle Corporation for Mosyle Manager MDM (mobile device management) licenses for $49,500;
  • Approved the agreement for Dreambox Reading Plus from Discovery Education for Aug. 1, 2024, to July 31, 2030, for $65,880;
  • Approved the Agreement for the timekeeping system with TimeClock Plus for a three-year period of Aug. 10, 2024, to Aug. 10, 2027, for $80,978.15;
  • Approved the renewal of the SeeSaw annual online subscription for July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025, for $27,657.47;
  • Approved the renewal of the enrollment services agreement to PowerSchool for July 1, 2024, to July 13, 2025, for $26,149.61;
  • Approved the renewal of PowerSchool support subscriptions for BusinessPlus for $64,561.28;
  • Approved the renewal of PowerSchool maintenance and support services for the student information systems for July 1, 2024, to July 13, 2025, for $43,874.68;
  • Awarded the quote for purchase and installation of aiphones for an exterior door monitoring system at various locations for $18,742.50;
  • Awarded the bid for the Pattonville High School science and FACS renovation project abatement to Spectrum Environmental (Alloy Group) for $19,960;
  • Approved the purchase and installation of two playgrounds at Drummond Elementary School from The Playground Consultants for $599,788.71;
  • Approved the purchase and installation of furniture for Bridgeway Elementary School for a bond project renovation from Modern Business Inc. for $134,583.30; and
  • Accepted the contract with Hastings + Chivetta to perform architectural services for Phases 2B and 3 of the 2022 bond issue and authorize the chief financial officer to execute the contracts on behalf of the board.

New Hires

  • Danielle Badra, instructional specialist, Rose Acres
  • Franklin Barber, bus driver, transportation
  • Heather Blackwell, vocal music teacher, Holman
  • Jacob Bubb, instrumental music teacher, high school
  • Rebecca Crump, after-school care assistant teacher, Learning Center
  • Ashley Deckelman, principal, Willow Brook
  • Scott Graydon, permanent substitute, Willow Brook
  • Shannon Hernando, secretary, high school
  • Katie Hutchison-DiBello, clerk, Rose Acres
  • Rachel Luna, science teacher, Holman
  • Rachel McAlister, Spanish teacher, high school
  • Chloe Parker, English teacher, high school
  • Katherine Ramatowski, English teacher, high school
  • Stefan Rechtlich, science teacher, Holman
  • Carrie Sansone, gifted teacher, districtwide
  • Tracy Strong, night custodian, Holman


  • Mike Howard, printing supervisor in the print shop, after serving Pattonville for six years
  • Tami Quinn, library technical assistant at the Learning Center, after serving Pattonville for 24 years
  • Diana Spann, bus driver in transportation, after serving Pattonville for five years