Drummond second graders attend field trip to Gateway Arch

Second graders in Demi Fogarty's class took a field trip to the Gateway Arch on Friday as part of their social studies unit on U.S. symbols and monuments. They have learned about U.S. monuments and symbols such as the Statue of Liberty, Washington Monument, Lincoln Memorial and Gateway Arch. 

"[On Thursday], we Zoomed with Ranger Carl from the Arch,” Fogarty said. “He taught us about the Lewis and Clark Expedition and explained how the Gateway Arch honors all the explorers that set off to journey to the West.”

The Drummond Elementary students took a tram ride to the top, toured the museum and watched a documentary about the building of the Gateway Arch.

After the field trip, the class shared something about their day. Spencer Johannes said he liked seeing the movie. 

“I’ve never seen anything about the construction of the Arch,” he said. “My great grandma saw it in real life, but I got to see it all today.” 

Saidie Maners enjoyed the opportunities to learn in the museum. 

“We got to play with the canoe and in the old house and pretend like we lived a long time ago with the explorers,” she said. “It was really fun to play family.”

They will now work on a personal narrative writing project about their trip using pictures they took when they were there. 

The field trip was funded by the Journey Fund Grant that Fogarty received.