Friday August 26th 2022

Juniors and Seniors: National Honor Society applications are due by Friday, September 2nd. See Mr Brueckmann in D202 or the high school website for more information. 


 Seniors: See Mrs. Luraschi to schedule your College/Career/Military appointment.  


Are you interested in engineering, architecture, design, business or construction? Sign up for the Field Trip to the "I Built This" Bridgeton Target Remodel. Field trip forms available outside the College & Career Center. 

YOU are welcome in GSA, or the Gender Sexuality Alliance, a group dedicated to celebrating diversity and acceptance throughout PHS. Our first meeting will be Monday, the 29th from 2:30 to 4:00, in room G 210. Can’t wait to see you there!


We are now accepting orders for the 2023 Echo Yearbook. For a limited time, you can get yours for just $55. Order online at or stop by B110 to pick up an order form. Prices are increasing soon, so order now!


The bowling club is accepting new members, all experience levels and welcomed. There are some costs involved. See Mr Langston in g107 for more Information.

Holman PTA needs 4-5 volunteers to help with a dance Fri 9/2

Sign up in the CSO E200