Tuesday September 20th 2022

-Voting for homecoming court is now open!  Students can access the voting form through the Student Services page. Voting will close at midnight on September 23rd. Homecoming Court will be announced on Monday September 26th. No campaigning will be allowed. 

-Homecoming tickets will be on sale September 26th through October 7th.  Tickets are $15, and your student ID number must be presented at the time of purchase.  If you are planning on bringing a date from outside of Pattonville, forms can be picked up from the Activities Office and should be turned in when purchasing your ticket. 

-PHS is offering the PSAT on October 12th. Interested 10th and 11th grade students can register from now until October 5th. To register online, please visit the counseling page on the high school website or contact Mr. Handrahan or Ms. Wills for more information

-Field Trip to Ranken Technical College & Manufacturing Day. Learn about high paying jobs! Pick up your permission form in the College & Career Center.

-The College, Career, & Military Fair is on 9/27. 

90 participants. 

10th-12th grades, Register at www.StriveFair.com

-There will be a VIRTUAL Financial Aid & Scholarship Information Night on 9/29. Open to all students. See Mrs. Luraschi for the Zoom link.

-Parkwood Elementary is hosting a Multicultural Night on Wednesday, 9/28 

Volunteers are needed. Please stop by the CSO (E-200) or check out the Sept Opportunities list for information on how to sign up.