Wednesday September 29th 2022

-Homecoming tickets will be on sale this week through October 7th.  Tickets are $15, and your student ID number must be presented at the time of purchase. Students—To be eligible to purchase a homecoming ticket, students should have all fines paid and a 90% attendance rate.  If you are planning on bringing a date from outside of Pattonville, yellow forms can be picked up from the Activities Office and should be turned in when purchasing your ticket. 

-Homecoming spirit week is October3rd-7th! The theme for homecoming is Karaoke Night!  Each grade level has been given a movie genre to go along with the theme. Freshman - Country Sophomores: Pop Juniors: Rock Seniors: Rap/Hip Hop. The spirit dress up days are the following...Monday - Pj day Tuesday - Holiday takeover Wednesday - dress like your younger self Thursday - dress up with the music theme of your class Friday - Class colors day (Freshman: yellow, Sophomores: blue, Juniors: Red, Seniors: Green)


-There will be a VIRTUAL Financial Aid & Scholarship Information Night on 9/29. Open to all students. See Mrs. Luraschi for the Zoom link.

-Seniors: The deadline to enroll in the A+ Program is THIS Friday, Sept. 30. A+ enrollment forms are in the A+ office, Counseling and on the A+ website.

-The National Art Honor Society is meeting today after school in G112.  

- PHS PTO is in need of food runners for the football game this friday 9/30. Stop by CSO E200 to sign up 


-All Summer Readers need to check in, in the library this week