Friday November 4th 2022

-Get involved with the Pirate Players' 2023 musical, The Wizard of Oz!  Auditions are Nov 7, 8, & 9.  Stage Manager & Crew Aps are due Nov 8.  Pick up an Information Packet from the Call Board outside room A213 and see


Community Service Opportunities 

-Parkwood PTA is bringing back indoor movie nights! They need 4 volunteers on Thursday, Nov. 10th. 4:30pm-8pm

-St. Louis County Parks is in need of volunteers to be trail attendants for the Winter Wonderland Walk the weekend of 11/18 and several Monday nights through 12/12. Enjoy beautiful Christmas lights, boxed dinners will be provided. 

Please stop by the CSO office for more info on signing up


Track and Field program will be hosting a meeting during contact time on 11/10. If you're interested please attend. The meeting will be located in the commons.


Everyone is welcome at GSA, the Gender & Sexuality Alliance Club!  Our next meeting will be Monday, November 7 in room G 206.