Tuesday January 24th 2023

Pattonville is GOING GREEN! Composting bins are now available in the cafeteria and commons to collect organic food waste. You will place your leftover food scraps in the yellow bins to be composted during all lunch shifts. If you need assistance, ask Green Team Composting leaders or custodial staff


Writers Week applications are due this Friday.  Turn in completed applications to your English teacher or bring them to Ms. Moeller in room D109. 


Reminder--the Power School portal is open for the next 10 days for students to enter their course requests for next school year. Requests must be entered before you meet with your counselor in February. See the PHS Counseling website for all registration info!


5th grade camp forms are now available in the CSO room E200


"It's time for Mr PHS 2023. Junior or Senior boys interested in competing should see Mr Brueckmann in D202. Winner gets two free Prom Tickets"


If you're interested in playing football next school year.  There will be a football meeting in the upper gym, Thursday January 26th during contact time.