Friday February 3rd 2023

ATTENTION PIRATES: PHS DECA needs your help! We have partnered with the St. Louis Food bank for our DECA Canned Food Drive. Please bring a canned good or two to help us reach our goal. The RED barrels are located outside of the front office, in the commons, and outside of the main gym. 

The Power School registration portal is open until this Friday, February 3 for all students to enter their course requests for next year. Visit the PHS Counseling website for more info!


Due to snow days the deadline to turn in 5th grade camp forms has been extended, please continue to turn them in...if you haven't already done so,  you still have time to pick one up in the CSO E200


Fitness Center will be closed these dates in February due to early dismissal

February   9th - & February  23rd - 

College & Career Field Trips are here! More details to sign-up on the Homeroom page on Canvas.

Save the Date: College Athletic Recruiting Workshop for Students & Parents, March 7th, hosted by the College & Career Center. More details to follow.