Announcements for Monday September 20th 2021

Homecoming Tickets This is the last week to purchase homecoming tickets. If you are bringing a guest, the forms will be available in the activities office. See Ms. Perales

Student Quest, a non-denominational Christian club, will meet again this upcoming Monday, 9/20, in room B116. Come enjoy some fellowship and snacks. See Mrs. Radican for more details. 

GSA will meet today, September 20th in room G101 after school until 4:15

Art Club will meet tomorrow, September 21st in room G101 after school until 4:15

FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, will be meeting tonight at 6pm in room G202.  Come for food, fun, and fellowship.  Don't forget to bring your masks.  Hope to see you all there!

The Pirate Mock Trial Team will meet today from 6:00-7:00 pm in room D115. See Ms. Raymond with questions.

The Gaming Club will meet this Wednesday September 22nd from 2:30 to 4:15 in B116. All are welcome and email Mr. Doig if you have any questions.

Congratulations to the following for being voted onto homecoming court:


Savannah Branson, Reagan Nelson, Riesen Riley, Nicole Cobbs, Isabella Usry, Paige Boyce, Isabel Tucker, Camryn Peebles, Macy Hanford, Tara Chandler, Holly Jones, and Alyssa Koller


Adam Reddy, Mark Kendrick, Paulie Palermo, Isaiah White, Auggie Heiligenstein, Max McFarland, Deandre Westbrook, Isaac Reddy, Loudin Cato, Ty Proctor, Daniel Mamrenko, and Bryant Ewin