Drummond Elementary School held its Black History Month assembly on Thursday to celebrate the accomplishments and the history of African Americans.
Presentations included transportation department driver trainer Ricky Jones sharing a rendition of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech, the Drummond choir performing “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (watch here: https://youtu.be/MoevB2CHz-A) and Drummond third graders playing a song on African drums.
Two groups from Pattonville High School also participated in the event. The 55th verse, a slam poetry team, recited three pieces of work and members of the African American Achievers Society (Triple A) demonstrated a step dance.
A big red firetruck replaced big yellow school buses outside of Pattonville Early Childhood Center on Thursday when members of the West Overland Fire Protection District joined students for lunch.
Teacher Lindsey Jones said it was a really good experience for the group of 3- to 5-year-old students.
“It's letting them get to know the firefighters as members of the community,” she said. “They’re getting to see that it's just a person under the suit and they don’t need to be scared. It’s really helping break down that wall and a good learning opportunity.”
Each year, Pattonville School District honors those who serve in the district with its Pride of Pattonville award. These awards are given to recognize excellence in performance, service, character and contributions demonstrated by those who serve in the Pattonville School District. Any district employee, parent, volunteer or other friend of Pattonville is eligible to receive a Pride of Pattonville honor. Nominations can be submitted online at www.psdr3.org/nominate and paper nomination forms are available throughout the district.
On Feb. 21, the Pattonville community came together for the third district Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) meeting. The meeting began with district updates and an overview of the district CSIP plan, which was approved by the Pattonville Board of Education on Feb. 14.
Students from Pattonville School District participated in the Missouri National Education Association’s (MNEA) Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Essay-Poster Contest. The theme for this year was “Fulfilling Dr. King’s Dream: Reading to Lead and Transform.” Four students placed in the state competition after winning at the district level.
Early College Options applications are due no later than February 28th. Information can be found on the PHS website. If you have any questions. contact Dr. Fitzgerald as soon as possible
We are back to accepting camp forms from both males and females. Stop by the CSO for a form if you haven't already done so.
Community Service scholarships are now available in the CSO E200
Drummond is in need of 2 volunteers for their PTO meeting next week, Thursday, 3/2 6-7pm
Want to help save lives? Sign-ups for the blood drive during lunch. You must be at least 17, or 16 with a signed parent permission. The Blood Drive will be held Friday Feb 24th in the activities center.
Come see the Triple A Black History Program! The program will take place in the auditorium February 24th from 6-8:30! , tickets are $5 per student.
No after school tutoring
Teachers and staff, please place your blue recycling bins in the hallway for Green Team volunteers to empty today during Homeroom
Goodluck to Jasmine Gordon and Davion Washington who are competing in the state wrestling tournament tomorrow and Saturday at the Mizzou Area.