The lesson in Ms. Nicole Dye’s class was pretty cheesy.
“We got to taste food that our cow made,” Kaycie Waines said. “We learned that Clarabelle helped make the cottage cheese and cheese stick and she helped make the yogurt and she made the milk.”
Clarabelle is the name of the dairy cow that the first grade class at Drummond Elementary adopted.
Fourth grader Marcus Young was running through the hallways at Drummond Elementary today, but he earned the chance to break the rules by following the rules.
Every month, students with 95% or higher attendance are invited to participate in a HERO event. HERO, standing for Here Everyday Ready On-Time, encourages students to be at school by providing an incentive.
Just a reminder that tomorrow March 17, will be an asynchronous learning day for all students (Track A, B and C), due to the vaccination roll out to Pattonville staff members. Teachers will post instructions for student learning on their individual canvas pages. In addition, we are making Thursday, March 18 a “B” track day. In-person students on “B” track (Last Names L-Z) will report to school on Thursday. If there are individual concerns with your “B” track child reporting on Thursday, please let your child’s assigned principal know.
Although this is a last second change, we wanted to give our “B” track students the opportunity to learn in-person at least once this week due to the fact that we do not have school this Friday March 19.
“A” Track students will not report to PHS on Thursday. This will be an asynchronous learning day for them.
Again, thanks for the flexibility with this late change. If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me.
Beginning March 29, all in-person students will begin attending PHS 5 days a week. Villemade (Virtual) students will continue to attend virtually.
We have been given the opportunity to partner with the Urban League and the National Guard to conduct a mass vaccination event for our staff on Wednesday, March 17. As a result, we will need to make Wednesday, March 17, an independent, at-home learning day for students who attend classes both in-person and via the Villemade Virtual Academy (all grade levels). There will be no in-person classes on Wednesday. Students should log into their Canvas or Seesaw accounts to view instructions from their teachers and to find out when their teachers are available for support. As an awareness for family schedules, Wednesday’s virtual learning day will not need to be made up in the future. Parent-teacher conferences will still be held on Wednesday at all levels.